
Are the Next 50 Years Getting Longer?

The issue of college education—is it still relevant? is it worth the financial investment? what are the alternatives?—has cropped up on on my radar several times of late. Last Tuesday the Brookings Institution issued the report Should Everyone Go to College? (Spoiler alert: The answer to the report title’s question is no.) Last Wednesday Diane […]

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What the Experience API Is—and Why You Should Care

You probably know it better as Tin Can, the popular name that’s stuck and been embraced by Rustici Software (the developers of the API), although Advanced Distributed Learning (ADL) prefers calling it the Experience API, or even xAPI. If selecting a first or replacement learning platform is in your future, be sure to check out our

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Mend the Gap: The Opportunity for Associations in “the Other 50 Years”

[Posted Sept. 24, 2012] I’ve argued in various places that the average adult is not particularly well-prepared to engage in the level of effective lifelong learning required by the learning economy in which we now live and work. We enter “the other 50 years” – those that follow the first 22 years, in which most

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The Fatal Temptation of “Best Practices”

I find it is very common for clients and prospective clients to want visibility into the “best practices” of other organizations. It’s an understandable desire: why reinvent the wheel, or worse yet, make unnecessary mistakes when you can learn from what other organizations have already done? An understanding of best practices can save a lot

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The Opportunity—and Threat—of Self-Directed Learning

  A few weeks ago I learned about Blake Boles and Zero Tuition College (which you can learn more about in a five-minute video by Boles). Boles challenges college education specifically—why pay $20,000 a year for the “opportunity” to accumulate a sizable debt and graduate with unsure job prospects? why not invest that money and

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